Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Have Zero Knowledge in IT Stuff

Seriously. Seriously. SERIOUSLY!!!!!

I had spent my 2 hours time, figuring up how to change my designs of my blog, all the gadgets and stuff. I've tried to insert some photos and captions, somehow, they appeared differently and look so weird!! I bet kids nowadays, with the over-exposure in technology can teach me in this kind of stuff :( ...............

My friends, especially my dear sista, always nags me in being so dumb when come across some IT stuff like computer, cell phone, camera.........especially all those touch-screen gadgets!!!!!!!! I admit that I'm wayyyyyy toooooo nooooob in all these!!

Well, if you're reading this poryingying, fyi, I really did not know how to insert songs from pc into my hp or vica-versa in my entire secondary school life :)

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